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"life is like a box of chocolates...."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

exile, sonnet

As I walked alone into the room,
The visions of your beauty blinded me.
From a dark, deep, cold, som’thing started to bloom
Piece by piece the covers of my hearts icy
Broke down and the winter in me ended
Like a new day, the sun rise and shine
We dance the night away and we bonded
Until the morning, with music and wine
The morning alert our hearts to stop
but the love will never stop growing
to the sky I look and wait for raindrops
a waterfall slowly start, life bleeding
to his arms you walked, look back and smile
now everyone understands my exile.


  1. Other than some lines not starting with capital letters, I do understand your "Exile" Coello. I like the poem and what you're trying to express.

  2. Great sonnet. I liked how you were very detailed. i can imagine everything very clearly. good job
